At start i have created the arm (15) necessary to support the milling
machine.For his realization i have use a aluminum profile (used from the constructors of
tendaggi) who has the advantage of being very god for the rigid implantation. The arm has been fixed to
a multilayer plan (13) on which is fixed the guide (6) for the movement of the
axis "Y",putting the guide on a square support of iron (17). On this guide
slide 4 throat bearings (2) on one iron slab of thickness 4mm (16).
Sight of the below part the job plan |
Sight of the throat bearings
On the opposite face of the slab are fixed the throat bearings (1) in
which slide the guide for the movement of axis "X" (5). The
guide for the movement of the axis "X", is fixed under the
mobile multilayer plan(12).first ,on this plan are fixed threads
eyelets , to enable the blocking of
the piece to work ,with clips formed one by a washer and a screw.
The throat bearings and the guide of precision | Up the eyelets are noticed thread you for the implantation of the clips |
The ear-ring that fastens the auction threaded to the motor.
The precision guide |
The motor step-step.