After having visited a gym for spin-bike similar to that of the photo,
I thought about the possible use of the glasses dipped uses you in precedence for the simulator to join with a spin-bike
This way
in the year 2001 have begun the realization of the simulator that you can see in
the photo.
Idea is that to visualize in the glasses dipped you the tape of a road run, done of: lowlands, slopes and steep slopes.
speed of advancement of the tape, has to be tied up to the speed of the pedaled
according to the inclination that he is facing, it has to change the hardness of
the pedal.
I have purchased therefore a room bike provided of regulation of braked and of speedometer. And' one of the least expensive ones in commerce, but it possesses the necessary to bring forth a feasibility study.
The bike uses a badminton
connected by a chain to the pedals. This badminton is braked by a ribbon of
fiber wound along its diameter, screwing a knob set on the handlebar, a small
steel rope curtains the ribbon wound on the badminton, regulating so the
hardness of the pedal.
I have
removed therefore the knob, and I have realized a system with a motor I
footstep-pass that (as the knob) it throws or it releases the small steel rope
increasing or decreasing the hardness of the pedal.
As already mentioned, the
speed of slide of the video is syncronized with the speed of the pedaled one. To
realize this I have exploited the small rope of the speedometer set on the bike.
After having opportunely cut it, I have glued to her extremity a piece of magnet that to every turn of the pedal passing before to a cruet reed closes the contact of it.
The usual computer
calculates the time that intervenes among two closings of the contact reed, and
therefore it modifies the speed of reproduction of the tape.
After various searches on internet, it visualizes video
finding one of them valid, I have decided to take my television camera, to stare
at it on the auto and to realize the resumption along a run they climb on.
The first problem that has
risen has been that of the shot during the curves: if the television camera
stays fixed, to the left the curves involve a loss of the central vision for the
right side of the road, while with those to the right, that is mostly framed to
the left.
To resolve the problem, has decided to realize a something that, following the swerve of the auto, it rotated in the same direction the television camera.
After opportune regulations, I have found the correct relationship between swerve and shot in curve.
another problem is introduced: the tape has to give the feeling of a run in the
lowland or in slope.
To do
this is necessary that: how much a run is anymore in slope, so much the horizon
has anymore to be aloft respect the shot.
I have
realized therefore one I untie on the fixing of the television camera to direct
downward her or the tall one according to the run.
The result of the tapes you can see it following
Download video .mpg (2.36 mega)
So much to complicate me the life, has introduced the possibility of choice of the difficulty of the run: beginner, dilettante and expert.
to the choice, the pedal has different hardness of base, a biginner in the walk
in the lowland for instance has a hardness of the pedal that is smaller of that
of the expert, but greater of that of the beginner.
have used VISUAL BASIC:
his start, it performs an alignment of the motor step-step, while outside the
field a voice invites to choose through a button the type of difficulty:
beginner, amateur, experienced.
Performed the selection another pulsating it gives the start.
To this point the tape
departs with a walk in lowland to which an opportune sonorous column is in
partnership, after a run of 2 kms he passes to the slope (other sonorous column),
then again in the lowland therefore to the steep slope and so street for a total
run of 15 kms.
Every 40
second best man in sovraimpressione on the video: crossed km, departed time, middle speed.
I have
used parallel interface port.
For the
debugging of the various hardness of the pedal, I have realized some buttons
with three keys:
1) it
increases hardness 2) it decreases hardness 3) it selects the type of
inclination and difficulty.
Having realized how much
above, it was a sin not to quickly realize an applicable system to the
professional SPIN_BIKE,
always in degree as the
preceding bike, to check the hardness of the pedaled one as well as her speed.
It is
born so a group constituted by two pliers dressed again of ferodo, moved by the
usual motor I footstep-pass that, according to the command imparted by the
computer, they tighten the badminton in steel increasing the resistance of the
The sensor of the speed of
the pedaled one cannot be realized with the cruet anymore reed, in how much the
speed of the disk is too raised and he would risk of it loses some passages of
the magnet fixed to the badminton of the SPIN-BIKE.
I have,
therefore, realized a system to faster survey, composed by two leds to infrared
(insensitive to the natural light): an emitter and the other receiver, sideways
fixed to one of the two pliers. On the badminton is glued a self-sticking
plastic strip of white color that reflects the light sent forth by the diode
emitter toward the receiver to her passage. The everything is sent to the same
entry of the computer predisposed for the cruet reed.
to the group they are connected two buttons: one for the START and one for the
Selection difficulty (beginner ,amateur and
The cost of the material
solo is enough tall, if we consider that the system can satisfy an alone
utilizzatore for time.
I cost P.C. without monitor | 600,00 |
motor step-step | 60,00 |
electronic component | 50,00 |
buttons | 20,00 |
immersive glasses | 500,00 |
manpower | 500,00 |
management | 500,00 |
TOTAL | 2230,00 |
In the
gyms of spin-bike, two types of frequenters exist: 1) those assiduous that
constitute the hard core. 2) those irregular, that frequent for a few months and
then abandon.
Both the
first ones and the seconds, even if in different times, they face a period of
tired due to the continuity of the activity, from here the idea of the
spin-aerobics, spin-boxe etc....
misses in effects an essential element: the competition.
every subject makes harder pedals it through a handle grip that doesn't have an
absolute indicator of the resistance of the pedal, besides the bike doesn't have
a measurer that allows to visualize on screen and therefore to compare in real
time the crossed kilometers. It has therefore little sense to think to a true
system that I have realized, allows to have both the requisite.
important! anybody change
must be performs on the present spin-bikes in the gyms. The installation is
rapid and the setting of every group frenante is managed in phase of activation
in fast way.
possibility to choose the degree of difficulty (beginner and expert) it opens
the competition to everybody.
We can
reasonably think that introducing this novelty of completion to the activity,
is single
what of group,
the result could be well approved from who the practice.
the costs???
no glasses
dipped you any tape
After various
reflections, I have thought to a system composed by a central unity, managed by
the classical PIC-16f84 that checks a display that points out the kms crossed by
every bike
and so
many peripheral unities similar to the group that brakes for spin already
previously illustrated, to whose intern a PIC-16f84 it manages the motor for
brakes it and the sensor of the turns of the badminton sending the information
to the central unity of which above.
On every
single bike, through a changer, it is possible to choose the degree of
difficulty (beginner and expert).
the use, the bike of the instructor allows to command the hardness of the pedal
of all the bikes to simulate the runs in: lowland, slope and steep slope. If on
a bike the choice has been effected: beginner, the hardness of the pedaled one
will be smaller in comparison to that bike that has selected beginner or
during the competition (contratiamente to the training) it is opportune taht the
selection of the difficulty is equal for everybody.
I have
realized a prototype on the bread-board with two peripheral and a central unity,
with only two lines of led of the display. And' is a complicated pò to make to
turn the software, considering that the speed and the disposition memory of the
PIC they are limited.
everything dearly works, but if I had to propose one of them definitive, I would
use at least a PIC-16f628
As a rule the cost of the
material and assemblage of a Kit I complete for 8 BIKE should be the following:
DISPLAY COMPLETO OF: 8 lines Of LED | 155 |
CENTRAL UNIT COMPREHENSIVE OF: Feeder Whole System + PIC + Encircled Electronic + COMPONENTS | 104 |
Mechanics Group X 8 BIKE | 1040 |
Accessories you Launch | 240 |
TOTAL | 1699 |
Surely few in comparison to the single system with glasses dipped you.
for possible contacts: